National Solid Waste Management

The National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) was established under the National Solid Waste Management Act 2001 as a statutory body, to manage the collection, treatment and disposal of solid waste islandwide.

The NSWMA is responsible for the following:

  1. Establishing the standards and criteria that must be attained by operators in the solid waste sector.
  2. Licensing of solid waste companies, collection vehicles and disposal site operators.
  3. Contracting solid waste collectors for municipal garbage collection.
  4. Establishing collection zones in collaboration with the Parish Councils, the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC) and the Town Planning Authority.
  5. Establishing tipping fees structures and rates for industrial and large commercial entities disposing of waste at the approved disposal sites
  6. Operating solid waste disposal sites in the medium term while preparing them for divestment to the private sector.

In 2006, the NSWMA and JSIF signed a Memorandum of Understanding under the Inner City Basic Services Project (ICBSP). Under this agreement the NSWMA is responsible for solid waste and sanitation services to all communities. The project will provide 4 compactor trucks to be used in these communities as well as technical assistance for improvement of the solid waste systems and the establishment of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS).