Learn about the credit card dispute process, including how to file a claim and what to expect from the investigation.
Learn how credit reporting works and how you can dispute inaccurate items on your credit report through Capital One
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Mail a credit card payment
To make sure your payment posts as quickly as possible, write your Capital One credit card account number on your check.
Capital One
Attn: Payment Processing
PO Box 71083
Charlotte, NC 28272-1083
Overnight payments*:
Capital One
Attn: Payment Processing
6125 Lakeview Rd
Suite 800
Charlotte, NC 28269
*USPS Priority mail does not get delivered directly to a payment processing center and may not get processed next day. To assure overnight delivery and processing please use an express mail service such as Fedex, UPS, DHL, etc.
Give mail payments more time
Mailing a payment can take a few days, so plan accordingly to make sure we get it on time. Making payments online is usually fastest and easiest.
Mail an auto loan payment
(Please check your statement for the best address and fastest processing)
Capital One Auto Finance
P.O. Box 60511
City of Industry, CA 91716
Overnight payments:
Capital One Auto Finance
Attn: Payment Processing
2525 Corporate Place
2nd floor Suite #250
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Mail a Small Business installment loan payment
Capital One
PO Box 105474
Atlanta, GA 30348-5474
Send banking deposits
Checking Accounts, Savings, Money Market and CD Accounts
Standard Mail: Capital One Bank, Attn: Bank by Mail, PO BOX 85123, Richmond VA 23285
Overnight Mail: Capital One Bank, Attn: Bank By Mail, 15000 Capital One Drive, Richmond, VA 23238