Filing a complaint about discrimination with the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights

If you feel that you are being treated differently or if you feel discriminated against – for instance, because of your age, religion or disability – you can file a complaint with the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights.

Last updated on 26 January 2021

The Dutch Equal Treatment Act

Anyone who feels discriminated against can file a complaint with the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights. The Institute is only allowed to deal with cases covered by the Dutch Equal Treatment Act. The Institute cannot comment on matters that are not covered by the Equal Treatment Act.

Filing a complaint with the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights

You can file an online complaint on the website of the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights.

Other options if you feel discriminated against

If you feel you have not been treated equally, there are other ways of reporting discrimination. For example, you can contact an anti-discrimination centre (in Dutch), or you can report it to the police.