Apply for a Business License

To apply for a business license, first you must verify that your business location is in the city limits of Marietta. To verify your address, visit the Property Search page.

Required Documents

The following documents must be submitted to the Business License Division with the General Business License Application (PDF) to obtain a business license/occupation tax certificate.

If location is your residence, include the home based acknowledgement form and proof of residency - either a copy of your current electric bill or apartment lease. If applicant is not a U.S. citizen, original permanent resident card or work authorization must be presented for copying by the Business License Division.


Application includes O.C.G.A. § 50-36-1(e)(2) Affidavit, aka “Citizenship Affidavit,” the Private Employer Affidavit Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-60-6(d) relating to participation in E-Verify®, and the Home-Based Business Acknowledgment (if applicable). Please note that the Citizenship Affidavit is only completed with the initial application (not with renewals), and the applicant must provide a Secure and Verifiable document from the list provided here.

Upload Documents

If you have a business license account/control number, you can upload and electronically submit documents using the Business Documents Upload.


When submitting the completed application, it must be accompanied by appropriate payment.

Annual cost depends on the estimated gross receipts of the business and number of employees. If your annual gross receipts are less than $100,000 and you do not have employees, an estimate of the business license cost is $89.

To see tax table with gross receipt brackets and tax based on number of employee view page 2 of the Professional Application and Information (PDF). Professional Application Actual cost is the greater of tax table amount or tax based on number of employees. Only those types of professionals listed on page two of the document should complete the professional application form. Other businesses may refer to General Business License Application (PDF).

Businesses Outside Marietta

If your business is not located within the city limits of Marietta, you may need to contact one of the Cities or County listed in Quick Links to obtain a business license.