24 Free Bible Study Lessons for Adults

Looking for some awesome free Bible study lessons for adults? Check out these studies, which represent a wide variety of different books, characters, and concepts of the Bible.

Once upon a time, I thought Bible study sounded like a drag… boring and not much fun. I’d try to read the Bible occasionally, but I never made it very far. As a new Christian, I knew I needed to study God’s Word, but I just wasn’t motivated.

It wasn’t until several years later, that I really began to FALL IN LOVE with God’s Word! Bible art journaling was a big help in that process, as well as simply seeing the truth and application of God’s Word in my life.

Have YOU fallen in love with His Word yet? If not, I pray that you will!

But even for those of us who’ve been studying it for years, the Bible is full of mystery and new things to learn and understand! And it really to helps to have fun Bible lessons for adults, to spur us on to gain a greater understanding of the Scriptures.

And since you’re reading this, I know you’re asking: “Are there any free online Bible studies?” Oh my goodness, there are tons!

Of course, you can always buy a Bible study guide, enroll in a class, or invest in a bunch of study aids like Strong’s Concordance or the Harmony of the Gospels. BUT, there are so many FREE Bible study lessons for adults available on the internet, you can totally get by without paying even a dime for Bible study.

24 Free Bible Study Lessons for Adults

Whether you’re on a tight budget, or not, the sheer amount of free Bible studies available online is enough to keep you studying for years… There’s everything from year-long reading plans, to 1 hour Bible study lessons, to plans with printables and other extra helps.

For these 24 free Bible study lessons for adults, I rounded up a variety of different plans and Bible study resources. Which is just the tip of the iceberg! So, if you don’t find what you’re looking for here, keep searching… there is so much more where these came from!

We’ll start with some basic whole-Bible reading plans, and then move on to some more specific Bible study topics and questions…

1) The Whole Bible in 90 Days Plan

If you’re a Bible newbie, and wondering “How do beginners learn the Bible for free?“, look no further than the YouVersion Bible app and Bible.com! This YouVersion 90-day plan is great for new Christians or beginners of Bible study, who want a cover-to-cover overview of the Bible in a very short amount of time!

2) 365-Day Reading Plan

Want a comphrehensive overview of the Bible, which includes a curated selection of Old Testament and New Testament readings each day? This 365-day plan from Biblica.com might be a good option for you!

3) Two-Year, In Depth Bible Study Plan

Or, if you’re wanting a longer duration cover-to-cover Bible reading plan, check out this one from YouVersion. It’s a six-day-a-week plan, with each 7th day reserved for rest and reflection.

4) 3-Question Bible Studies

Now, onto some more interactive and topical free Bible study lessons for adults! These 3-question plans from Anne Graham-Lotz are great for individual study or group study.

5) 12-Month Topical Reading Plan (from Undoubted Grace)

Want some good Bible study lessons for adults that will last you all year, and while exploring a different topic each month? Check out this plan from Undoubted Grace!

6) 12-Month Topical Reading Plan (from Kingdom Bloggers)

And there is also this 12-month Bible reading plan from Kingdom Bloggers! Each of these two plans has a different assortment of themes for each month, so you could do them both in one year, or in subsequent years.

7) SoJo Academy 1-hour Bible Study

So far, all of our free Bible study lessons for adults have been long-term (multi-week or year) plans. But this Bible study from SoJo Society is a standalone study, which walks you through inductive Bible study techniques in a single one-hour session.

8) Joyce Meyer’s 3030 Challenge

Have you struggled to start or keep a daily Bible study habit? If so, then you NEED to do this 30-minutes-a-day for 30 days challenge! When you sign up for this challenge from legendary Christian author Joyce Meyer, you get Bible study tips, verses, videos, and more… perfect to help you develop a consistent habit of studying God’s Word.

9) Armor of God Reading Plan with Printable

I love this Armor of God Bible reading plan from Garments of Splendor! It includes Scriptures, reflections, and prayers for each piece of armor listed in Ephesians 6:14-17, as well as a handy printable list of all the verses. Of all the free Bible study lessons for adults that I discovered for this post, this is the first one that I wanted to do for myself.

10) Treasure Hunting the Bible: Study Worksheets

This next resource is not a topical study, but more like a study technique you can use with any Scripture! Arabah Joy walks you through 20 things to look for when you’re reading a Bible passage, complete with handy worksheets you can use to write down what you find.

11) Embracing Grace Scripture Writing Plan

Looking for some Bible study lessons for young adults? I think this Embracing Grace plan from Organic Christian Living would make an excellent study for both teens and adults alike. It’s a 31-day plan, complete with Scriptures, journal pages, free art printables, and more! It contains everything you need to gain a better understanding of God’s grace, and what it means for your walk with Him.

12) Lamb of God Bible Study & Scripture Writing Journal

This is one of my personal favorite free Bible study lessons for adults! Be sure and join JoDitt’s FREE ‘Delight in the Word’ club to gain access to this sweet lamb of God Bible study, plus so many other great freebies. JoDitt also has tons of great Bible studies, printables, and coloring pages available for purchase in her shop.

13) Acts in 30 Days Bible Plan

The book of Acts is so integral to understanding Christianity, the Holy Spirit, and the history of the early Christian church. If you’ve never read it before, or perhaps struggled to understand it, check out this plan from Loving Christ Ministries. These free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers includes a pdf for each day, that you can print out and use to reflect on that days reading.

14) 30 Day Fruits of the Spirit Bible Reading Plan

Want to gain a better understanding of the fruits of the Holy Spirit? Check out this plan from The Holy Mess, which includes some sweet free printables to go along with the study plan.

15) Bible Journaling Challenge 4-Week Series

If you’ve not yet discovered Bible journaling, but are curious to learn more about it, this four week email series (from yours truly) is a great place to start. Learn how art journaling can help you study God’s Word, what supplies to use, and more!

16) 7 Days to More Christ-Like Character Study

Next up in these free Bible study lessons for adults, is this study of Psalm 15 from Faithfully Planted. Each day covers a different attribute of Godly character, with a teaching, prayer, and reflection questions to help you apply it to your life.

17) Worthy of the Calling: 31-Day Study of Ephesians

Are you crunched for time? Then you’ll love this series of short Bible study lessons for adults, which covers the book of Ephesians! It only takes 15 minutes a day!

18) 21 Days to Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman Devotional

If you’re a wife and/or mom, definitely check out this Proverbs 31 woman study from Ministry Minded Mom. The devotional comes in a convenient pdf, with short lessons for each day, and actionable steps you can take each day to apply the teachings in your life.

19) 30 Days of Knowing My Identity in Christ Bible Plan

I don’t about you, but sometimes it’s easy to be swayed by what the world says about me, rather than what the Bible says. And in those times, we need a study like this one from the Holy Mess, to remind us of who we are in Christ.

20) Colossians Bible Study – Complete in Christ

This 30-day Colossians study by Megan Allen Ministries, is a great free Bible study plan which includes journaling pages and coloring pages!

21) All God’s Women Bible Study Podcast

Want some great free Bible study lessons for adults, that focus on the women of the Bible? Check out this great podcast by Sharon Wilharm! BONUS: Each episode is only about 10 minutes long, so you can easily fit one into your daily Bible study time.

22) Encouragement in the Trenches of Motherhood Bible Study

Calling all moms! Definitely check out this wonderful study from Mama Reflections, which includes a Bible reading plan, journaling pages, and many other great printables.

23) Ladies Drawing Nigh 15-Minute Studies

Check out these short Bible study lessons for adults from Ladies Drawing Nigh… There are several Old and New Testament book studies to choose from, and at only 15 minutes each, you can easily fit it into your day.

24) Through the Word: Revelation Explained

To wrap up these free Bible study lessons for adults, I wanted to include one for Revelation. In my personal opinion, Revelation is the hardest book to make sense of, just due to its prophetic nature and heavy symbolism. And because of that, I avoided reading it for a long time! Until, I discovered this Revelation Explained study from Through the Word. You can find the different parts of this study (7 in all) in the YouVersion Bible app, or you can get the plan in its entirety in the Through the Word app.

Like I said before, these 24 Bible study lessons for adults are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to free studies you can find on the internet! So if you were looking for something specific that I didn’t list here, keep searching. 😉

Want some FREE Bible journaling printables and/or Scripture coloring pages to use in your Bible study? Be sure to check out my Freebies page!

Hi! Thank you so much for visiting Divine Creative Love. I’m a Jesus-lovin’ girl, lettering artist, designer, and general creative-at-heart. And, I have narcolepsy. I blog about faith in God, overcoming challenges, and creative topics such as Bible journaling. If you’re new here, be sure and subscribe to my list so you won’t miss anything!