Workforce Education Investment Accountability and Oversight Board

Provides guidance and recommendations to the legislature. Ensure the workforce education investment account are producing the intended results and are effectively increasing student success and career readiness, such as by increasing retention, completion & job placement rates.

Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments14
Total Board Positions18
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.77.310
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpense Reimbursement in Accordance with RCW 43.03.050 & 43.03.060
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term LimitsNone

Member Requirements: The Commission consists of seventeen members, thirteen of which are appointed by the Governor. The Governor appointments are subject to the consent of the senate.

Member List

Workforce Education Investment Accountability and Oversight Board

Position Number Member Name Term Begin Term End Position Requirements
1 Ashby, Steven 07/18/2024 06/30/2027 Business Representative
2 Awad, Ashraf 08/14/2024 06/30/2027 Business Representative
3 Knutson, Charles 07/09/2024 06/30/2027 Business Representative
4 Davidson, Jane 08/27/2021 06/30/2024 Business Representative
5 Hulit, Barbara 08/14/2024 06/30/2027 Business Representative
6 Lyne, William 08/14/2024 06/30/2027 Labor Representative Covering Faculty of Four-Year Institutions
7 Riker, Mark 07/01/2021 06/30/2024 Labor Representative with Experience in Registered Apprenticeships & Training High-Demand Work-Force
8 Francis, Paul 12/17/2021 06/30/2024 Member Representing Institutions of Higher Education from CTC Sector
9 Flores, Ruben 01/03/2024 06/30/2024 Member Representative Institutions of Higher Education
10 Bannister, Collin 08/14/2024 06/30/2025 Member Representing Students
11 Kuwahara, Mollie 08/14/2024 06/30/2025 Member Representing Students from a Community & Technical College
12 Standish-Kuon, Theresa 08/14/2024 06/30/2027 Member Representative Independent, Not-for-profit Higher Education Institutions
13 Vincent, Jeffery 12/19/2023 06/30/2025 Member Representative of Student Achievement Council
14 VACANT Member representing the workforce training and education coordinating board

Apply to be a member of Workforce Education Investment Accountability and Oversight Board