How to Open and Run a Cannabis Dispensary in Illinois


As Illinois has legalized cannabis consumption lounges and awarded more dispensary licenses recently, adults in Illinois are looking forward to this new state of affairs of recreational cannabis in 2022. And while licensed medical marijuana dispensaries already have one foot in the door when it comes to adult-use retail cannabis sales, the state also recently awarded 185 new dispensary licenses with comprehensive social equity provisions, and the cannabis industry in Illinois is certainly setting a good example for other states to follow suit. Additional steps were announced in September 2021 to remedy administrative errors for conditional adult-use dispensing organization licenses.

The Cannabis Retail License Application Process in Illinois

The process for obtaining one of these coveted adult-use marijuana retail licenses begins when you submit a completed conditional application form, details on which can be found here . Along with the application and all supplemental materials, there is a non-refundable application fee of $5,000, or $2,500 if you qualify as a social equity applicant. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is in charge of licensing and regulating cannabis businesses.

If your application is successful, you’ll be awarded a Conditional Adult Use Dispensing Organization License — which does NOT permit you to purchase or sell cannabis. Rather, this conditional license means you’ll have 180 days to find a suitable location within your assigned geographical region. Once you’ve secured a location, passed an inspection, and paid the licensing fee, you will be awarded a full Adult Use Dispensing Organization License and can officially begin retail operations.

How Much Does it Cost to Open a Dispensary in Illinois?

Along with the non-refundable application fee, you’ll need to be prepared to pay the licensing fee once you’ve passed your dispensary inspection. The licensing fee for non-social equity applicants is $60,000 for a two-year license; for social equity applicants, the fee is $30,000 for a two-year license.

Of course, there are other costs associated with launching a cannabis retail operation. In fact, upfront capital estimates for a cannabis retail business in Illinois are between $75k and $180k. These costs include:

Additionally, you’ll need to account for your ongoing operating costs, which can average anywhere between $26k and $71k on a monthly basis. Those break down as follows: